Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween in LA

Is it bad when i see a dude in a dress and heels walking down the street and it doesn't even register that it's Halloween in my head? Seriously I think people may look more normal on halloween than ona regular day. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hillary, Obama and the like...

How much are these two killing each other? I hate to say it but I'd rather not see either of these people be president. Hillary supporters will flame me with her glowing qualifications, health care, law background, intelligence level etc., and Obama supporters will say "it's about change!"

Bottom line:

Being the only black option for president ever doesn't mean it needs to be rushed to get a black president. He's green, full of promises and has celebs out the ass helping him which means that special interests are going to get pushed. You really want to make change? Stay in congress and create policy. Change for change sake is never a good idea.

I'm not saying Hillary isn't smart. I'm not saying she doesn't care about certain issues. Hillary supporters will say she's an intellectual superior to many. Here's my deal. Let's assume all her positives is true. You never put the smartest person in charge. You just don't. You put them behind the person in charge and make them the person that person turns to. A real solution person cannot both sit in the high chair and see the whole picture of something and still be on the ground and be in the mix. You can only be one or the other. If she's as smart and as sharp as advertised, she should not be president. That's why advisors and assistant coaches etc are so important. Did Phil Jackson create the triangle offense? No, it was lifetime assistant Tex Winters. Get my point?

I understand people will always dream of being president. I leave with with a quote from Kurt Vonnegut.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don’t know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Hills, Lauren Conrad etc

Seriously...enough of these fake celebs. Does Hollywood have the class anymore to develop and support real celebrities? Hollywood, although always harboring a darker side, has had in the past a glamourous and steller star mystique. Now we get Lauren Conrad and company? They're in the magazines every fucking week! Every week! I really don't need to know that she went to Gelsons and she paid by pulling out a debit card out of her Louis Vuitton wallet.

What the fuck is the Hills anyway? Enjoy your 15 mins guys.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Patriots, Giants and a Nya Nya I told you so

Ok everybody it's time to pay up. You know who you are that bet me on the Superbowl. I'll accept my paypals withint 5 days mmmmkay?

I said it once and I will say it again. ebough of those fuckign Patriots and their BS records. Brady with 50 touchdowns? He had to play how much longer and throw how many more passes to reach it than Manning? Manning sat and took knees at end of games instead of meaningless touchdowns.

Randy Moss broke Jerry Rice's record in how many more games? Both Brady and Moss needed to play every minute of every game to break pretty much unreachable records had Manning or Rice played the same amount of time.

18-1?!? Perfect Letdowns. Go Cry some more Tom. Also shouldn't Bill be penalized for walking out before the game was officially over? Sore losers anyone? Pats did the same shit when they lost to the Colts in the AFC champ game last year. Poor Sports, Horrible winners and even worse losers. Sorry Tom but your whack ass girlfriend and your ZOOM Whitening (tm) smile can kiss my ass. Peyton Manning showed more emotion watching the game in the box than your entire team did. Poor Senior Seau...

Was it me or was Junior Seau sweating like he took too many anphetamines before the game?

Tom Brady spent more time on his back Superbowl Sunday than Jenna Jamison has her entire career. I love how he changed his jersey at halftime. Gotta look nice when you lose eh Tom?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Earth 2 Adam

For all those of you that utilize entourage for mac or other productivity ideas try Earth 2 Adam. A dumbass name but a useful site nonetheless.

Leave a post...Adam's a lonely guy and can use the company.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Seriously is there any show as good as House? Hugh Laurie and company must be loving their lives. Omar Epps, a highly talented actor who was stuck in demeaning urban roles has now had a showcase to shine. Now they get to follow the Superbowl!?! That's sacred ground and most assuradly a sign that they have arrived!

I am most excited to see how the sub storyline with Olivia Wilde develops.

The Lake Show!!!!!!

The Lakers get Pau Gasol and get rid of butterfingers Kwame Brown. It may very well turn into a throwback 80's Lakers vs Celtics showdown. Now about that Lindsay Lohan business with Luke....

DirecTv Beach Bowl at Superbowl Week

Not much to see here. Doug Flutie and the Rocket playing like they're playing for real. The girls were horible except for Bonnie-Jill Laflin who, due to poor time constraints was one fo the people cut off from the televised introductions. Funny, considering she played the majority of the game and more than any of the other girls. It was fun to hear the announcer try to tell the audience why she was there. The majority of the entertainment and hijinks came from the multiple challenges to plays. One of the other girls wore stilletto boots to play....Mmmhmmm maybe her Pr rep should've payed more attention.

Oh and is it me or can Fallout Boy eat a bowl of STFU and go away....

Monday, January 28, 2008


Quirky. That's the cool hip buzzword in Hollywood. Little Miss Sunshine, Lars and the Real Girl, blah blah blah. Dress up people in retro 80's clothes, have them babble endlessly about geek chic topics, throw in overcooked opinions on retro music and or societal matters and throw them in a situation when their unique individuality tries to exist in a banal environment and you get critical and oscar praise. Don't forget the quirky and yet heart warming older figure (JK Simmons, Alan Arkin). I have nothing against these movies, I really don't. Juno was a bit overcooked for my taste. I don't need my meals cooked way past their time and then salted within an inch of its life with righteous indignation. For all the cool little pats on the back these films have gotten, the critics seem to convienatly overlook the fact that the same shit has been done before and much sharper by Kevin Smith. Only when he did it it was written off as one long dick and fart joke. Now it's all the rage. I read one review that said Diablo Cody has a wonderful ear for dialogue. My ear seems to have heard this type of dialogue done so much better in the likes of Clerks, Chasing Amy and Mallrats. Oh, but the critics will say, Juno has a heart warming element that the low brow comedy of Kevin Smith doesn't posess. I submit to you, Jersey Girl and Chasing Amy again. If diablo Cody wins for original screenplay the first words out of her mouth should be "I'd like to thank Kevin Smith for allowing me to rip off his wonderfully developed sense of dialogue and give the critics an overstuffed rant of how absolutly cool and neat I really think I am!" These fake independent films get way too much recognition. Nothing changes in any of the characters, no one grows, no redemption happens, no lesson learned. She has a baby that's it. No long indecision or choices abou the baby. Hardly any conflict. It's all "I'm gonna have a baby, no biggie, I'm way too advanced of a person to really care either way about anything blah blah". All this could have been accomplished in a film short. Oh but we'd be robbed of all the meaninless verbal masturbation I almost forgot!

Not impressed. Not in the least bit. Ellen did a wonderful job with her timing on the dialogue but it's one note over and over again. The plot arch had about as much curve as a pancake. But hey who's noticing right?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger

Farewell young man. You were starting to become a phenom in the acting world. I look forward to seeing you as the joker. How many times are we going to bury another waste of a budding star? It's turning into a routine thing. Soon the sting of such things will lose its bite.

Too many times. Too many negative messages.

The Game Plan's Disney folks. It's fun and it's cute and it's a good time. Quit trying to pick it apart as if it's To Kill A Mockingbird or something.

It's a ton of fun so get the stick out of your ass and see it.

The Bucket List

Why are the critics so harsh on this film? God forbid there is a formulaic hollywood movie with respected established stars in it that's entertaining. It doesn't give you much but sometimes I just want to get away for an ahour and a half to two hours and just enjoy a popcorn flick. Can we still have that or does everything have to have deep impactful meaning?

The Assasination of Jesse James and the title longer than most movie titles should ever really be...

How shitty is it that we read all these wonderful reviews and get an oscar nod for Casey Affleck for this film but nobody as fricking seen it?

I know they're trying to keep costs down and profits up by making a small release and then letting the oscar hype and dvd sales clean up, but come on.

I'll see it soon enough though. Mr. Pitt has turned into quite the impressive producer hasn't he?

Away From Her

I haven't seen this one yet but the clips are amazing. I'll post more after I see it.

There Will Be Blood

There will be...

An incredible performance by one of the greatest actors anyone has seen. Sure he's a lil wierd but who isn't when they're this good. Nothing happens for the most part and the piece falls squarely on the actors.

Paul Dano suprised me as well. Not only did he hold his own opposite Daniel Day Lewis, he makes a mark on the film himself. If you remember Paul Dano was the guy who doesn't speak in the film "Little Miss Sunshine".

There is no way in hell Daniel Day Lewis doesn't get an oscar for this. If it wasn't for the fact that the supporting actor catagory is chock full of major heavyweights, Paul Dano could have easily snuck in as a dark horse.

American Gangster

Before you all jump down my throat, let me just say I was entertained. The problem is...Denzel shouldn't get any awards or nominations for this role. He did a fine job but come on. He got a Golden Globe nod because he's Denzel, not because he was incredible in it.

Ruby Dee. I love Ruby Dee. But again this aint the award winning role. She got a nod because she's worked some incredible roles since Moses was in diapers.

Gone Baby Gone

Dear Ben Affleck,

No more acting for you young man. Get behind the camera and stay there. Let little bro and BFF Damon do all the acting mmmmkay?

Great fucking flick. How awesome was the mother? She deserved the oscar nod.

No Country For Old Men

Wow...what a performance by Javier Bardem. He was so creepy, he could induce nightmares in some people. (insert long pause)

Ok, now that I got that out of the way....WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS MOVIE ABOUT?!?

I see certain lessons and themes but for the life of me Tommy Lee Jones speech at the end left me feeling like. Thanks for wasting my fucking time! Great movie, no purpose.


Wow, for a while there I thought this was another overdone fluffy trying to hard romance film. And then....the ending. Holy shit. That woman has the tightest shot on her face and she can't hide if she has a horrible performance. Instead you see miles of pain and regret and longing to rectify her horrible wrong. I understand the oscar nod for the little girl but the older self was so gut wrenchingly painful and beautiful, that you cannot overlook her. Don't get me wrong the little girl was so great you hated her but without that ending, it's just another movie with the lower class boy in love with the unattainable higher class girl torn between family and love.

Into The Wild

Ok, serously....

I get it, I really do. Blah blah blah trying to find meaning in life blah blah. Such bullshit that rich kids act this way. Oooo how meanful is it to burn all his money. He knows deep down he can always get more and for that matter he knows he can always go home. Happiness? He seemed pretty damn happy working on the farm. Nice one there buddy. The old man? Why does this young fuck think he can tell thbe old man about life at all. Who the hell is he? What has he done? Rich young pseudo-intellectuals. All application. And another thing, you wanna go into the wilderness to find yourself and deeper meaning in life? Rough it like the indians did. Make a bow and arrow or a club or some shit. I know guys that have roughed it and have gone in with nothing other than clothes and a knife. Pussy. Don't go in with a .22 rifle. Look at me! I want to rough it! I work at burger king and hunt with a rifle and bring a bag of rice into the wild! A camera? He brought a camera? Ok, it did affect me a little that we saw his real face in the end. That faded quickly however. DON'T BRING A FUCKING CAMERA!!! BRING SOME HO HO'S OR SOME DING DONGS OR A GRANOLA BAR! It's nice that he learned that happiness only means something when it's shared. Good lesson. I liked it. Did I need to sit through an extra 45 mins of him talking to himself about his parents etc? Waaaaaaa mommy and daddy fought. So what. You're so damn independent and free thinking, go away from home, get a job and start a life for yourself tough guy. Speaking of which. Let's face it. It's fucking IMPOSSIBLE to kill a FUCKING MOOSE with a .22 gauge rifle. Bullwinkle would get hurt and then kick the shit out of you instead. Hey dead guy! Guess what. YOU WERE FUCKING HAPPY YOU RICH SPOILED FUCKING PRICK. You died because you spit int he face of reality. You were happy with the hippies, you were happy with an underage female that wasn't that bad looking. (Hey if you're that much of a liberal free thinker why not...) You were happy on the farm. Fucking moron. You were happy AND you were doing a good job, unlike your sorry sockless ass at burger king. Hell not only were you happy with the old man. You showed him happiness and then ripped it away from him after. Good job chief! You fucking pretentious ass. I'm sorry that you died before learning your lesson but seriously you spit in the face of everyone older and wiser than you that basically told you that you were being an overbearing idealistic idiot.

Sean Penn. You are an awesome actor and director. Have you ever heard of editing? I don't like my food overcooked. This meal was burning on the stove. Eddie Vedder. Loved Pearl Jam back in the day but your cause head bullshit gets too much even for a loyal fan. Almost makes me wish it was both you and Kurt Cobain that went so we could all say how tragic it was to lose you than having us say how tragic it is that you turned into another overbearing celebrity trying to cram shit down out throats like the rest of us can't figure out life by ourselves. Seriously. WTF? All your oscar nominated music was of you strumming and humming. Oh, I guess you got soul bad.